Sat Jun 1 2024 08:53:25 UTC
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16 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
94132 Calc code spreadsheet CLOS DUPL "select all" and copy cells may lead to crash 2008-10-15
78326 Calc code spreadsheet CLOS DUPL copy content including gif graphic and words , then paste ,the program crash 2007-07-10
92361 Calc code spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Application crashes, after selecting all cells and setting auto format 2009-07-12
95509 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL OOo crashes when data range for data pilot is large 2009-07-12
121062 Calc editing issues CLOS DUPL [From Symphony]It will lead AOO freeze when select all cells in spreadsheet and paste the copied cells 2017-05-20
39839 Calc editing requirements CLOS DUPL paste cells when all cells are selected freezes Calc 2013-08-07
84777 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL OO enter in loop with copy and paste 2008-09-25
86869 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Crash when ctrl-a ctrl-v pasting into a Spreadsheet 2008-09-04
90740 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Copy and Paste of entire Excel spreadsheet crashes Calc 2008-07-15
92095 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL calc hangs/crashes when copying some cells over a whole spreadsheet 2008-07-25
92171 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Hang on cut or copy complete columns 2009-11-06
92360 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Application crashes, after pasting one cell to all cells 2008-08-01
97479 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Copy one cell, paste to the whole sheet, Calc lost response 2008-12-26
97589 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Serious efficience problem when fill the whole sheet, lead to block 2009-04-27
104091 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Memory limit? 2009-08-10
127691 Calc editing issues CLOS DUPL Copy & Paste Into Sheet With All Cells Selected Crashes OO 2018-02-09
16 issues found.


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