Sat Jun 29 2024 12:35:30 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
79622 Impress editing christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Copy/paste of object with custom animations to other slide causes loss of animation effects 2007-07-16
59000 Impress programm clippka CLOS DUPL Custom Animation does not copy 2013-08-07
91428 Impress editing groucho266 CLOS DUPL Animations are not copied with the object 2013-08-07
95629 Impress editing groucho266 CLOS DUPL Animation Effects get lost when copying a elements from one preso into another 2013-08-07
123362 Impress formatti issues CLOS DUPL Custom animation of shape not pasted 2017-05-20
5 issues found.


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