Thu Jun 13 2024 18:26:12 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
105192 Calc viewing issues UNCO --- Opening a Micrsoft 2000 formated document boolean are getting read as invalid 2013-11-26
118355 App Dev api issues UNCO --- cli assemblies are not able to work with .Net Framework 4.0 2013-02-24
120900 Impress editing issues UNCO --- The bullets is wrong after promote or demote 2019-11-26
122282 App Dev api issues UNCO --- fail, in Step19 , the major interval change from 0.5 to 1 and no input field 'Reference value' on build AOO400ml(Build:9700 )2013-05-03 10:47:58 ubuntu 32bit OS 2013-05-10
122333 App Dev api issues UNCO --- When I click the insert tab the graphic option is not available. 2013-10-10
126306 Writer open-imp issues UNCO --- Problem Tables from word 2016-04-16
116491 Writer code issues CONF --- Introduction of a List Level attribute for paragraph styles 2014-03-07
118435 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Openoffice removes footnotes when opening MS-Word(.doc)-File. 2013-08-13
120880 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Chart in ppt can't edit and with blank calc data after openning by AOO 2012-09-20
128356 Writer editing issues CONF --- Track Changes and Annotations on text range can cause corruption. Applies to 4.x (all versions?) 2023-06-16
2131 Calc formatti issues CONF --- RFE: ability to merge cells already merged 2013-08-07
3790 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: Import Word 97-2000 RTF for Drawing Objects (Shapes) 2017-05-20
4173 Writer code issues CONF --- Word frame's default wrapping is optimal wrap with a value of 1 inch 2013-08-07
4996 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- 'Save As' filetypes should include an EXCEL REV 4.0 format. 2013-02-07
5085 General chart issues CONF --- extrapolate regression lines (extend trendlines) (forward/backward forecast) 2013-09-25
5489 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Merging cells can erase the borders of the cells on the far right and lower edge of the selected area. Excel in contrast maintains the outside borders. 2013-08-07
5802 Calc editing issues CONF --- It must be possible to type in "Test" as well as "test" in two cells without having to turn off AutoCorrect. However, and MS Excel behave the same way today. 2013-08-07
5929 General code issues CONF --- Make all line styles available everywhere in OO.o 2013-02-07
6010 General ui issues CONF --- Add ablility to Print/Preview OLE indepent 2017-05-20
6521 General chart issues CONF --- formatting single characters in titles - subscript or superscript in chart titles 2013-09-25
8275 Draw formatti issues CONF --- more border types (dashed, dotted, etc) 2013-04-19
9392 Calc editing issues CONF --- Pressing the "delete" button on a selected cell should not necessarily bring up the "Delete Contents" popup dialog. Excel also does not bring up a dialog on deletion of a cell. 2018-08-28
9885 General chart issues CONF --- hide entries in legend 2013-09-25
11890 General chart issues CONF --- Ability to directly edit legend text / modify series names 2013-09-25
12802 General chart issues CONF --- resize data ranges by dragging 2013-09-25
13178 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Calc uses too much memory (was: Calc hangs after loading a large Excel Spreadsheet) 2013-02-07
14506 General chart issues CONF --- Convert MS PivotChart to DataPilot Chart 2015-05-10
14893 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Excel displays Grid lines on a per sheet basis, Calc on a per document basis 2013-09-02
14907 Writer code issues CONF --- ISIS/Draw object rendered too small 2015-02-28
15274 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Improvement of CSV file import: 1.) Opening .TXT files should not bring up Writer, 2.) It should be easy to set the text delimiter to "none" if it is not needed, 3.) The formats set for the text file columns in the CSV import dialog should be carried over 2013-02-07
15675 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Words of stacked text are displayed on top of each other after import instead of being displayed as originally aligned (words are staying parallely). 2013-08-07
16758 Calc editing issues CONF --- The function 'autoincrement' should also consider common used textstrings added to numbers (like 1'st', 2'nd', 3'rd' , 4'th'...). MS Excel does this. 2013-08-07
16793 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- OOO should import the existing Excel Data Range as a Spreadsheet Database Range. Then there should be a way to reconnect the range to an existing query in the DSB. 2013-08-07
17930 Writer formatti issues CONF --- It is not possible to put a border round selected text. 2015-10-23
18473 Writer code issues CONF --- Make data sources portable with document (to make Mail Merge similar to MS Word) 2013-02-07
18507 Writer code issues CONF --- OOo inserts extra bullet points and has spacing problems in Word documents... 2013-08-07
19118 General code issues CONF --- DDE-Link does not work for access via LAN 2013-02-07
19232 Writer code issues CONF --- When recording changes (Show=off) - deleted paragraphs appear as extra blank lines 2013-08-07
20819 General chart issues CONF --- add polynomial regression type 2017-11-30
21499 Writer ui issues CONF --- MS Word XP rotated image not formatting correctly 2013-08-07
21895 Calc ui issues CONF --- Drag-drop problem from Word table to Calc 2013-08-07
22405 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Feature request: An easy way to create watermarks with text 2013-08-07
23423 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- cell directionality lost when importing from excel to calc 2013-08-07
23839 Calc ui issues CONF --- Underlines in user defined number format, accounting underlining 2017-05-20
23973 Calc editing issues CONF --- In Excel double-clicking on the edge of a cell allows to quickly move the cursor/selection between (and within) filled and non-filled blocks/areas of cells. Calc does not behave like that. 2013-08-07
24066 General chart issues CONF --- Excel chart filter: Character formatting in text objects lost 2013-09-25
25032 General chart issues CONF --- Support for Drop-Lines, Min-Max Lines and Up-Down Bars like in Excel 2013-09-25
26755 Calc editing issues CONF --- Spreadsheet should not implement all of excels order of precedence for worksheet operators. For example, in Excel "=-X^2 + B" is not equal to "=b - X^2". 2014-02-05
26928 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- User defined rules are not possible for validation. This causes problems with importing .xls files using constraints on a field. 2018-01-05
26957 General ui issues CONF --- error opening hyperlink to bookmark in ms word document 2017-05-20
27363 General chart issues CONF --- choose a chart type per series 2013-09-25
27661 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: values (grouped text objects) are not displayed 2017-05-20
27804 General chart issues CONF --- user defined text for data point labels 2013-09-25
28265 Impress ui issues CONF --- OLE-Object looks different after PPT-Import 2013-08-07
28270 Impress ui issues CONF --- Math object is black after PPT-import 2013-08-07
28283 Impress ui issues CONF --- PPT-Import: Lines must be able to have a pattern filling 2017-05-20
28664 Internat code issues CONF --- WW8: incurrect import of msword file with objects due to wrong font height 2017-05-20
29012 General chart issues CONF --- surface chart - 3d plot - contour plot 2013-12-18
29131 Writer ui issues CONF --- Indentation problem importing MS Word documents 2013-08-07
29415 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- Some hebrew in the RTF file incurrectly imported as high-ansi characters 2013-08-07
30149 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- Wrong location of images in imported Hebrew file 2017-05-20
30560 Writer code issues CONF --- Error Importing MSWord docs with an arrow that is too long. This shifts content out of the screen. 2017-05-20
30773 Writer ui issues CONF --- crop ojects larger than the actual page to fit onto the page on import 2013-08-07
30782 Writer editing issues CONF --- Please treat tables as object 2013-08-07
30950 Writer code issues CONF --- Export to Word97 replaces fields such as calculations and mail merge fields with the current field value 2013-02-07
31928 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Improve vertical positioning of floating screen objects 2017-05-20
31933 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- Excel export: map number formats to Excel built-in formats instead of user-defined formats 2013-08-07
32344 Calc ui issues CONF --- Simple wildcards * and ? as opposed to regular expressions 2015-03-28
33004 Writer ui issues CONF --- Background watermark image wrong position when imported from MS Word 2013-08-07
33793 General chart issues CONF --- template for charts 2013-09-25
33825 Impress code issues CONF --- pyramid charts, organization charts are missing 2017-05-20
34078 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Enhancement of CSV import, i.e. with fixed format files (no field delimitter) leading and trailing spaces should be automatically eliminated like in Excel. Also opening a .TXT file in Calc should not automatically bring up Writer. 2013-08-07
34093 General chart issues CONF --- Force linear regression curve to go through zero point (origin) or other Y-value defined 2014-01-14
34131 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- Image in columns moves when exporting to word 2017-05-20
34134 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- Hebrew drop cap incurrectly moves when exporting to word 2017-05-20
34863 Writer code issues CONF --- Export to Word97 replaces calculations in a table with the current field value 2013-02-07
35718 Calc editing issues CONF --- ODFF: Excels subtotal function knows two parameter sets. One to include hidden cell and one to exclude hidden cells. should behave the same way. 2015-03-17
37190 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- newutral characters move on import from powerpoint 2013-08-07
37218 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Misplaced parentesis on import from PowerPoint 2017-05-20
37224 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Mathematical symbols are lost on inport from PowerPoint 2017-05-20
37226 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- word wrap is not working with text fields 2017-05-20
37243 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Formulas in presentation are messed up on import 2013-08-07
37450 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- Hebrew RTF file opens as junk 2014-04-01
37507 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Text boxes in slide incorrectly overlap 2013-08-07
37770 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: compatibility for paragraphs having border/spacing 2013-08-07
37910 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Wrong location of drawing object in RTL document 2013-08-07
38698 Writer formatti issues CONF --- support "legal outline numbering" (format levels independently) 2013-08-07
39514 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- Hebrew numbering lost on export to PDF/PPT 2017-05-20
42946 General chart issues CONF --- Error Bars for X values 2014-11-20
43051 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WordML import: pagebackground watermarks not imported 2013-08-07
43411 Writer viewing issues CONF --- Complex Table does not break when merged more than 2 levels 2013-08-07
46246 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Linked OLE objects in MS Word DOC files do not show up 2017-05-20
46307 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Support RC4 encryption to load password protected PPT(Powerpoint)-files 2024-03-16
47801 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: Thai justification from Word 2003 not imported correctly 2017-05-20
47807 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- WW8: Thai justification not exported correctly 2017-05-20
47897 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Writer could not build index from external document / Index empty due to Word's "RD" fields 2013-08-07
47915 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- WW8: unspecified CTL language breaks export of default style's CTL font 2017-05-20
48064 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: Character formatting of Thai text lost on import from Word 97 2017-05-20
48170 General chart issues CONF --- free positioning of data labels 2014-05-07
48208 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- RTF: Western text gets style's CTL font on import from Word 2017-05-20
48278 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- RTF: font of Thai text lost on import from Word 97 2017-05-20
48822 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- AM/PM date-time fields do not import correctly from MS-Word 2017-05-20
49154 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- frame magically resized when OOO saves to Word Doc then opens again 2017-05-20
49286 Calc code issues CONF --- Sort database using symbol 2013-08-07
49295 Impress viewing issues CONF --- powerpoint presentations with sound, don't play sound with OpenOffice 2019-09-09
49637 General ui issues CONF --- OOo and XML Visio Document 2013-02-07
49757 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Can't enter textboxes on a protected sheet 2013-08-07
50239 gsl www issues CONF --- Checkboxes cannot be created / saved with OOO 1.1.4 2013-02-07
50765 General chart issues CONF --- Option to Automatically Put Units on a Scale 2013-09-25
51525 General code issues CONF --- Support legacy encodings when opening Microsoft Office documents (Ability to select code page on import of non-Unicode text/document) 2013-08-07
51619 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Impress doesn't preserve default CTL font for Thai 2013-08-07
55339 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: Thai distribute justification from Word 97 not imported correctly 2017-05-20
56053 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: Outline numbering wrong in second level when first level not linked to style 2017-05-20
56916 Writer viewing issues CONF --- WW8: text in table in text object gets additonal special char on import 2017-05-20
56929 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Use excel user-defined numberformat ";;" 2013-02-07
57157 Writer editing issues CONF --- bad copy paste function with simple text. 2013-08-07
57708 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- No option to permit autofilter in protected sheets when exporting as XLS 2013-08-07
58562 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Numbering messed up when opening MS PowerPoint document 2013-08-07
59347 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: export mangles multi-column layout when using "Evenly distribute contents to all columns" 2017-05-20
59911 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: Frame (containing table) imported with wrong position 2017-05-20
60305 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Calc forgets sheet password when loading/saving Excel file with password-protected sheet(s) 2013-08-07
60826 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- WW8: spacing between Thai and English not preserved on import/export 2013-08-07
60883 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: textboxes ordered behind graphic "as character" 2017-05-20
61083 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: hard formatted CTL font sometimes lost on import 2017-05-20
62629 General ui issues CONF --- Read only prevents from viewing embedded OLE-objects, especially PDF documents. 2014-02-20
62698 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Calc cannot handle Asian phonetic guide (ruby) text 2013-08-07
63175 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Improve formatting transfer for copying from CALC to WRITER 2017-05-20
63204 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: fixed linespacings handled noticeably different from the default linespacings 2013-08-07
63335 Calc editing issues CONF --- Find and Replace destroys hyperlinks 2013-08-07
63905 General chart issues CONF --- Provide animation of charts 2013-09-25
64728 General chart issues CONF --- allow changing of border color and fill color of chart symbols 2013-09-25
64821 General chart issues CONF --- constant value list as source data for series 2013-09-25
65433 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- PPT-Import: GRaphic on the masterpage get wrong color from the color scheme 2013-08-07
66819 General chart issues CONF --- Regression curves: new type "moving average" 2013-09-25
67828 General chart issues CONF --- Add option 'depth of the 3D chart' 2013-09-25
67830 General chart issues CONF --- Add option 'width interval (spacing)' for 3D chart 2013-09-25
67831 General chart issues CONF --- Add option 'depth interval (spacing)' for 3D chart 2013-09-25
67870 General chart issues CONF --- add orientation button on the 3d view 2013-09-25
69092 Calc ui issues CONF --- there is no way to set image as background for cell 2013-08-07
69621 Calc code issues CONF --- 'Lookup' function: Ranges cannot be defined by two named cells 2013-08-07
69866 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- doc not listed in mailmerge wizard open dialog 2017-05-20
69906 Writer ui issues CONF --- Enable jumping to next recorded change using toolbar 2013-02-07
70021 Impress editing issues CONF --- Unable to edit Presentation written in Powerpoint. 2019-11-14
70381 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Presentation preview shows FontWork backwards in CTL app 2013-08-07
70574 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- 2 master pages in a presentation corrupt firt slide in Powerpoint 97 2013-08-07
71022 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- MS PPT import: CJK words in callouts sometime rotating 2013-08-07
71199 Impress formatti issues CONF --- shape mouse interactions are to complicated for shapes without fill and outline 2017-05-20
71626 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Manual page breaks surrounded by hidden text must become disabled when text is hidden. 2013-08-07
71693 General chart issues CONF --- option to change the hole size of donuts/rings 2013-09-25
72377 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- Non-ASCII characters in the font default to Arial Unicode Ms 2013-08-07
72530 Writer code issues CONF --- adapting sum formula in TextTable when inserting/deleting rows 2017-05-20
73927 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- Export to PPT file: I can't edit slides with PowerPoint 2013-08-07
74168 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- EMF files in PPT file do not display 2013-08-07
74249 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Watermarks can't be exported properly (.doc file) 2017-05-20
74613 Writer viewing issues CONF --- Graphics and objects insertion not tracked as change 2013-08-07
76748 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Images on masterslide not correct imported 2013-08-07
76787 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- duplicating of items in table of contents 2013-08-07
77932 General chart issues CONF --- Regression Curves - force through zero 2013-09-25
78093 General chart issues CONF --- values on secondary x axis 2013-09-25
78240 Impress viewing issues CONF --- Jakarta POI generated PPT does not open in Impress but fine on MS Office 2023-09-29
78808 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- RTF / Doc: table row (cell) does not break due to "keep" attribute in first paragraph 2013-08-07
79410 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: Graphics from imported .doc file flickering due to non-transparent square inside 2013-08-07
79742 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- graphics bullets disappearing wehn saving ppt 2013-08-07
79762 Calc viewing issues CONF --- Unable to load a spreadsheet file of size 25MB 2013-08-07
79817 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- Impress: line spacing increases as you export file or paste page from Microsoft file 2013-08-07
81195 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: restart numbering will be re-imported as two different numberings 2017-05-20
81641 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: protection of first section also protects header in MS Word 2013-08-07
81757 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: frame's vertical position calculated relative to other object 2017-05-20
84434 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Conditionnal formatting when imported from Excel missing vertical lines 2013-07-30
84708 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- MS Word horizontal line is corrupted / not supported 2013-02-07
85076 Calc printing issues CONF --- Calc won't print/preview documents containing only cell borders 2017-05-20
86948 Calc code issues CONF --- Add support for insert/delete cells even when the range is multi-marked. 2017-05-20
87854 General ui issues CONF --- Text in MS Office doc looks bad in OOo but good in MS Office 2017-05-20
88373 Impress viewing issues CONF --- PPT import: Hyperlinking to other slides and return to calling slide is not working 2017-05-20
89078 Calc code issues CONF --- GETPIVOTDATA doesn't allow to reference a data pilot in another document 2013-02-07
90342 General chart issues CONF --- relative high for 3D charts 2013-09-25
96182 Calc editing issues CONF --- incosistent precision for numeric and date values 2013-01-29
96190 Calc ui issues CONF --- Calc uses different period for ACCRINT than Excel 2017-05-20
97210 App Dev vba issues CONF --- Error when opening spreadsheet with VBA that refers to a cell in the spreadsheet 2013-02-24
100185 General code issues CONF --- CheckBox should always support "don't know" state 2017-05-20
100340 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Changing one out line level, makes another change as well - styles can't be changed properly in ppt file 2017-05-20
101573 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Open xlsx with multiline formula in a cell 2017-08-21
102328 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Indent for "right" aligned text, Text alignment 2017-05-20
103625 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Option (radio) button imported from Excel wrongly selected 2013-01-29
104241 Calc programm issues CONF --- ODFF: LOOKUP, MATCH, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP in a range lookup should not find last numeric value if queried for string 2017-05-20
104755 Calc programm issues CONF --- VBA: Missing WScript support 2013-12-03
105846 Impress formatti issues CONF --- font changed, cause bad layout 2013-08-07
106954 General chart issues CONF --- Allow to show the series name within data labels 2021-12-18
107305 General chart issues CONF --- 3D Pie charts are too thick - make it customizable 2013-09-25
110360 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Autofiler on date column displays wrong info with YYYY-MM-DD;@ format (imported from Excel) 2017-05-20
112233 Calc code issues CONF --- VBA won't run in 3.1 2014-01-16
113860 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- docx: certain graphic not imported at all 2016-01-12
116179 Calc code issues CONF --- JRE devective, java runtime environment 2020-05-04
116319 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- sheet reference error on Excel 2003 xml import 2023-01-12
118327 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Table Text of particular .doc (MSO97) invisible at wrong place 2013-08-27
118494 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- Wrong shadow color on .ppt document when compared to .odp file 2013-01-29
118536 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- MS editable form viewed incorrectly. Contents of text fields are missing and form layout displayed incorrectly. 2013-01-29
118554 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Some columns do not get displayed in writer 2013-01-29
118579 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Writer goes on infinite loop until exhausting system memory or killed when opening/importing the attached document. 2013-01-29
118589 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Powerpoint presentations incompatibility 2013-01-29
118590 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Tables in Writer do not respect locale format 2013-01-29
119434 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- After save odt file as doc format, cross reference field of table caption change to normal text 2017-05-20
119454 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- [From Symphony] Spreadsheet does not recognize "date" format for cells in Formula Input line in imported .xls. 2012-09-18
119624 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Group objects in table can not be placed correctly 2017-05-20
119702 Writer code issues CONF --- AOO shows the endnote as different page with MSWord. 2013-07-26
119808 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- the date number of x axis label display "1"but not like "1/4" in MS office. 2012-09-20
119811 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Some fields lost in Footer when saved the sample file to .odt file 2017-05-20
119836 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- after refresh data lost in pivot result table 2013-06-22
119913 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Text frame lost when open doc file in AOO 3.4 2017-05-20
120565 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Hidden drawing object is lost when loading xls file 2017-05-20
120670 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Import .xls, the vertical alignment property value "Bottom" will be mapped to "Default" in AOO. 2012-09-18
120833 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- graphic bullet will change to character bullet when save to doc. 2012-09-06
120869 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Standard filter: There is no value in filter dropdown list after open the sample file 2013-11-30
120871 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- The Standard filter lost after save the sample file to .ods 2012-09-20
120873 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- The format code in custom style is changed after save the sample file to .ods 2012-09-18
120878 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- The number format with Decimal places info will lost when saved from .xls->.ods->.xls 2012-09-18
120883 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- AutoFilter in .XLS (MSO97): filter data lost when there are two sheets sharing the same data base range 2014-03-10
120891 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- Advance filter will lost after save the .xls to .ods 2012-09-18
120892 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Asterisk +character in Number format code created by Excel can't be imported in AOO correctly. 2012-09-18
120896 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- text direction change when open the MS2003 word sample in AOO. 2012-09-18
120897 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- the form control can't display normally and alt text lost when exported from AOO to MS office 2003 2012-09-12
120899 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- The Scroll bar control will lost after save the sample file to .xls file 2012-09-12
120901 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- the pattern fill area of chart legend can't be imported from MS 2003 ppt to AOO. 2012-09-18
120904 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- can't import MS 2003 pot template file into AOO. 2012-09-18
120905 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- the column group icon display incorrectly when save-export from AOO. 2012-09-18
120906 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Open chart of .ppt and .doc file will prompt general error on SLED 11 SP1 64 bit in AOO 2012-09-18
120909 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Chart layout/wrap different to view in MS WORD 2014-04-24
120912 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- redundant Outline level in master view when edit the .pot template 2012-09-18
120913 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Comment for the whole table not same as MS office after openning by AOO 2012-09-18
120914 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- The bullets will changed after saved .otp file to .pot 2012-09-18
120915 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- [Win 7 64bit]Axis of radar chart diappears after exiting OLE edit mode in AOO. 2012-09-18
120916 Impress formatti issues CONF --- text's color change to white when copy text from presentation to MS Word 2003 2012-09-12
120917 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- cross reference of Heading number in doc is lost after openning by AOO 2012-09-19
120919 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- TOC fields in doc file are lost after openning by AOO 2012-09-18
120920 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Field Character in doc can't display normally after openning by AOO 2012-09-18
120922 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow "below text" footnotes 2013-07-19
120923 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Numbering of Footnotes in doc is lost after openning by AOO 2012-09-18
120929 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- pot templae file page overlap in the second master page after openning by AOO 2012-09-18
120930 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- the currency type with 3 decimal places change to number type when open in AOO. 2012-09-18
120931 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Pattern of cell format in .xls file don't support in AOO 2012-09-20
120933 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Cutomer auto filter in xls can't change filter condition after openning by AOO 2012-09-20
120934 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Chart Axis font not clear and after page preview the chart looks ugly 2012-09-18
120936 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- Some chart layout property changed or lost after save the sample file from .doc->.odt->.doc 2012-09-18
120937 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Consolidate range and other options in xls can't map to AOo after openning by AOO 2012-09-18
120940 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- Nothing display in text box of Emphasis mark in Font dialog when opening doc file exported from AOO in MS Word 2003. 2012-09-18
120942 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Cell Number format style is changed after saving to ods by AOO 2015-12-11
120948 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Numbering is gone after opening a doc file in AOO. 2012-09-18
121031 Writer editing issues CONF --- TOC in .doc disappear after update in AOO 2012-09-19
121032 Writer editing issues CONF --- TOC hyperlink disappear of .doc file in AOO 2012-09-19
121033 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- TOC background in .doc file don't support by AOO 2012-09-19
121064 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- [From Symphony] Chart name in Excel is different with the name in AOO. 2012-09-20
122281 App Dev api issues CONF --- In data table the data series is 3 columns (x,y,buble chart size) is not available in dummy Bubble chart 2013-10-01
123598 Writer viewing issues CONF --- Update TOC of particular .doc inserts white empty area with more than TOC height below TOC 2014-03-18
123800 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Need Feature "Hidden Comment Text" to keep hidden text in comments in .docx invisible 2014-04-24
123954 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- .doc shows inappropriate single-quotes in date fields when opened with MSO 2014-05-16
124448 Calc code issues CONF --- OFFSET function don't works with negative height 2014-03-17
124622 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- BrushOnColor effect MSO compatibility issue 2014-04-08
124624 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- ChangeFillColor effect MSO compatibility issue 2014-04-08
124669 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Chart Object unusable (Data table missing/empty) in .pptx 2014-04-12
124829 Writer editing issues CONF --- Form template not showing correctly 2014-07-07
124931 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Particular .xlsx Cell contents still show unexpectedly for column width few above 0 2014-05-21
125224 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- *.docx import: chart diagram not imported 2014-07-10
125342 General ui issues CONF --- automatic color (on white background) isn't black on Linux 2014-08-01
125350 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- The table in this short document does not display 2014-08-03
125568 Impress viewing issues CONF --- PPTX font color is set to black 2023-08-22
3560 Calc printing issues CONF --- In Calc defined print ranges/areas do not get copied (carried over) if one creates a copy of a sheet using the sheet copy function, not the clipboard. In Excel copying sheets includes copying set print areas. Apparently the same happens with defined heade 2015-06-24
5266 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Formula not resizable 2021-06-17
5691 General chart issues CONF --- show tip help on chart elements also when not in edit mode 2013-09-25
6974 Writer ui issues CONF --- No help available for import of WORDART elements 2013-02-07
9866 Writer code issues CONF --- WMF graphic truncated on right 2013-08-07
11684 Calc save-exp issues CONF --- Generation of clean HTML code from Excel documents, i.e. simple HTML code without unnecessary data 2016-11-13
12473 Calc editing issues CONF --- Paste special command does not support Excel's "All except borders" option 2013-08-07
13853 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Chart: Data table not supported 2013-09-25
15756 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Calc should provide a pre-defined number format for displaying negative numbers in brackets. Example: -100.00 to format as (100.00). 2013-08-07
17993 Calc code issues CONF --- Add wildcards to the standard autofilter 2014-03-20
18771 Writer code issues CONF --- MSInteroperability-18: watermarks 2017-05-20
21679 Writer ui issues CONF --- Copy and paste from table exported to Word .doc format triggers bug in Word 2017-05-20
22544 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- When saving writer document to word, Hebrew word order in varibales is incurrect. 2017-05-20
22599 Base code issues CONF --- [RFE] auto-sizing for text-base controls 2013-08-07
22636 Writer ui issues CONF --- Import of MS-Word documents including word graphics 2013-02-07
24088 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: "Watermark" Graphics Problem, not in background after import 2013-08-07
24669 Calc viewing issues CONF --- Quick Sheet Selection (In MS Excel, right-clicking on the scroll arrows for the sheets brings up a menu with a list of sheet names from which sheets can be selected.) 2013-08-07
25555 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Rowheight is different in OOo compared to Excel 2013-08-07
25631 Writer code issues CONF --- Word: Formulas in tables not properly imported 2013-08-07
29117 Internat code issues CONF --- Wrong vertical location of imported text boxes 2017-05-20
36424 General chart issues CONF --- ability to lock font size per element 2013-09-25
42575 Calc formatti issues CONF --- Per-page format setting 2013-08-07
49336 General chart issues CONF --- You should be able to put datalabel when you create a chart in the wizard 2013-09-25
64692 General chart issues CONF --- Spline per series (Smooth or not each curves independently) 2019-12-03
64694 General chart issues CONF --- Pie chart with a second bar chart. 2013-09-25
64695 General chart issues CONF --- Pie chart with a second pie chart 2013-09-25
64698 General chart issues CONF --- Add a shadow to value the legend 2013-09-25
64700 General chart issues CONF --- Customize area and border properties for data point labels 2013-09-25
64731 General chart issues CONF --- Format a single line segment in Line or XY charts 2013-09-25
64813 General chart issues CONF --- Allow more than one regression line for one series 2013-09-25
64825 General chart issues CONF --- Link series names, data labels and titles from cells with formulas 2013-09-25
66655 General chart issues CONF --- pie chart: not possible to set same color for all points 2013-09-25
71698 General chart issues CONF --- Automatic rotation of axis labels 2013-09-25
71812 General chart issues CONF --- new chart: data range: It's not possible to directly select the cells 2013-09-25
78501 Writer code issues CONF --- uneven charwidth in non-proportional fonts 2013-08-07
84654 General chart issues CONF --- 3D bar charts do not show zero values 2013-09-25
4077 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Correctly import excel files including pivot tables (e.g. support for more than 8 columns) 2013-08-07
5948 Writer ui issues CONF --- Envelope addressing does not print barcodes (postnet zip-codes) 2017-05-20
20636 General chart issues CONF --- custom hatching 2013-09-25
64706 General chart issues CONF --- Add a shadow on the series. 2013-09-25
77969 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: header containing graphic shown much larger than in MS Word 2017-05-20
118606 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- imported office .doc tick boxes not ticked 2013-09-21
9214 Impress code issues ACCE --- exact timing for Impress Effects (speed, delay) 2013-08-07
2288 Writer code issues ACCE --- Graphics in word doc don't import correctly. 2017-05-20
3007 Calc ui issues ACCE --- Hatching fill within a cell 2018-01-04
3879 Calc code issues ACCE --- ODFF: Empty parameters in formulas 2017-05-20
3984 Draw code issues ACCE --- Fill gradient should get rotated too at object-rotation 2013-02-07
7911 Writer code issues ACCE --- Floating tables: Word file with large table doesn't open properly 2013-08-07
9544 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: docvariable fields not imported 2017-05-20
9863 Impress code issues ACCE --- when creating a file with link in OO Impress, saving as a powerpoint format, and reopen with powerpoint : the link has desappeared! 2013-08-07
11490 Writer ui issues ACCE --- Bad layout of an imported O2K document. Requires. word style z-order for frames in headers & grouped text frames. 2013-08-07
13026 Writer code issues ACCE --- import/export of connectors needs to be improved 2013-08-07
17171 Writer ui issues ACCE --- Paragraph cannot be longer than 65534 characters 2017-05-20
17285 Base code issues ACCE --- facility to display more than one column needed in list box 2017-05-20
18528 Writer code issues ACCE --- Loss of page numbers on DOC import 2013-08-07
19631 Writer code issues ACCE --- The Star Border is missing from this MS Word 97 diploma 2013-08-07
19633 Writer code issues ACCE --- Word 97 compatibility issue: OLE objects don't have graphical attributes 2013-08-07
20265 Writer code issues ACCE --- Microsoft Word 97 document needs 2 pages instead of 1 2013-08-07
20669 Impress code issues ACCE --- Powerpoint import failure: images with many small points don't display correctly 2013-08-07
21444 Writer code issues ACCE --- Some equations aren't displayed properly 2013-08-07
21966 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: Hybrid "Paragraph and character" styles 2013-08-07
23416 Calc code issues ACCE --- Support for MS [$-xxx] formatcodes 2017-05-20
23417 Calc formatti issues ACCE --- Support for enhanced fraction format in Excel needed. In Excel it is possible to set the format for fraction to a special divisor (e.g ??/16). 2017-05-20
24582 Impress ui issues ACCE --- Font in tables in imported Powerpoint presentation is incorrect 2013-08-07
28284 Impress ui issues ACCE --- ppt-import: dottet lines must be able to have round dots 2017-05-20
31050 Calc code issues ACCE --- Hyperlinks applied to Number cell contents in .xls lost after import 2013-08-07
32432 Internat BiDi issues ACCE --- RTL text in list messed up when exported from impress to ppt 2017-08-20
33295 Calc ui issues ACCE --- error values in MATCH range match to 0 2017-05-20
34547 General ui issues ACCE --- PushButtons do not support transparent background 2017-05-20
34550 General ui issues ACCE --- Missing TriState for ToggleButtons 2017-05-20
37192 Impress open-imp issues ACCE --- PPT import: wrong font is used 2013-08-07
60110 Calc open-imp issues ACCE --- import from csv file sometimes strips initial apostrophe in cell 2017-05-20
67135 Calc programm issues ACCE --- Array calculation with volatile subexpression paths 2017-05-20
70083 Impress open-imp issues ACCE --- Problem of shape to which 90 degrees are inclined with PowerPoint 2013-08-07
70102 Impress open-imp issues ACCE --- impress interpretes gradient wrong in ppt import 2013-08-07
70309 Writer formatti issues ACCE --- support form controls in page header/footer 2017-05-20
72164 Writer code issues ACCE --- special chars in FieldMaster.User cause wrong values by using conditions 2017-05-20
72166 Writer ui issues ACCE --- allow umlauts in field names for compatibility reasons 2017-05-20
74992 General chart issues ACCE --- Offer multiple sets of default colors for charts 2013-09-25
77927 Calc open-imp issues ACCE --- WEEKNUM function is not converted from Excel correctly 2013-08-07
92011 Writer open-imp issues ACCE --- Aqua: Bullets imported from MS Word use ambigous symbol font 2017-05-20
93503 Calc save-exp issues ACCE --- Calc export of non-gregorian date to Excel loses format 2017-05-20
95934 General chart issues ACCE --- Excel chart with percent-stacked data series is not rendered correctly 2021-12-15
5250 Calc ui issues ACCE --- Manual line break in cell breaks formula 2017-05-20
7569 Draw code issues ACCE --- Wordwrapping text in shapes 2013-02-07
12424 Calc code issues ACCE --- sorting sheets containing matrix equations 2017-05-20
19159 gsl code issues ACCE --- Save in Word 97 Format Changes Spacing & Garbles Quotation Marks 2017-05-20
19608 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: Word wraps its "local variables" around to the top of the page on the next update 2017-05-20
20024 Writer code issues ACCE --- Bad picture importation from Winword document 2013-08-07
41183 Calc ui issues ACCE --- INDIRECT() fails with external range reference 2017-05-20
53223 Writer save-exp issues ACCE --- WW8: brackets lost when exporting Equation formulas 2013-08-07
55877 Impress open-imp issues ACCE --- OO 1.1 and 1.9.x go into spin importing powerpoint (WMF Clipping problem) 2013-08-07
20386 Writer code issues ACCE --- Support vertical centering of text in a page 2017-03-12
3740 Calc code issues REOP --- Named ranges in spreadsheet cannot be accessed from another one 2023-04-29
4155 Calc code issues REOP --- References in conditional formating don't always change correctly 2017-05-20
4385 Calc code issues REOP --- Support external named ranges in Excel import 2013-08-07
32345 Calc programm issues REOP --- ODFF: Make LARGE() and SMALL() return an array if the second parameter is an array. 2017-05-20
60332 Writer save-exp issues REOP --- WW8: Follow style lost on round-trip 2017-05-20
120768 Impress save-exp issues REOP --- [From Symphony]slide content merged Master viewer content 2017-05-20
125813 Calc ui issues REOP --- Set option "search criteria must apply to whole cell" to true, when opening .xls or .xlsx file 2014-11-01
20293 Calc code issues RESO FIXE Excel Chart Import: auto Y axis scaling with manual 'axis at' value 2013-08-07
117672 Calc open-imp issues RESO FIXE Opening OOXML files fails when the Relationship "Target" attribute in _rels/.rels has superfluous slashes 2023-02-07
118936 General security issues RESO FIXE Can't open docx or xlsx 2010 file with password (MS Office 2010 "Agile Encryption") 2024-03-18
120656 Writer save-exp issues RESO FIXE the bold,with / and with X strike through change to single when save to doc 2020-07-31
126720 Calc open-imp issues RESO FIXE no text imported from XSLX (xl/SharedStrings.xml instead of xl/sharedStrings.xml) 2023-01-07
21354 Writer open-imp issues RESO FIXE Vertical Frame displacement in .doc 2013-08-07
82687 Calc editing issues RESO FIXE Text entry or CSV import treats $.nn as text Wed 23:01
126712 Calc open-imp issues RESO DUPL Data dublicating in cells 2023-01-31
127086 Calc open-imp issues RESO DUPL Incorrect import of xlsx file - no text 2023-01-03
128548 Calc open-imp issues RESO FIXE Last CSV line is silently lost on import if last field is quoted and EOF is reached before closing quote 2022-12-29
17068 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS NOT_ Wrong numbering of sections within opened DOC files 2004-01-05
27635 Calc code spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Tab -> Enter key sequence 2004-04-13
19522 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Embedded PowerPoint slideshow in Word document fails to run when double-clicked 2010-10-22
37187 Impress open-imp christian.guenther CLOS DUPL impress crashes when opening powerpoint file (bh.ppt) 2005-03-01
6815 Impress code dan CLOS FIXE MS PowerPoint default Times bullets come out as question marks 2008-05-17
83536 Writer open-imp h.ilter CLOS FIXE Mail Merge Address Book Source does not recognise tables in MS Access 2013-08-07
116755 Writer open-imp issues CLOS DUPL DOCX: files with absolute paths in Target in _rels cannot be opened 2023-01-13
120720 Calc open-imp issues CLOS FIXE Import .xls created by Excel 2007, with named drawing object, there is a crash. 2013-06-07
20148 General code jack.warchold CLOS FIXE Q-PCD MSInteroperability-22 2006-08-25
22865 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS FIXE Q-PCD: MSI-22: Word Processor XML 2013-08-07
4816 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Table formatting messed up when importing from MS Word 2013-08-07
9245 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Writer freezes when trying to open Word Document. 2013-08-07
17501 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Background color for the whole page when saved as .doc is not recognized by Word 2013-08-07
18211 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE OO doesn't convert MS equations, although it's set in options 2013-08-07
20458 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word-doc: Wrong format in headings 2013-08-07
20830 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE out of memory + error importing a MS Word document 2013-08-07
20893 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS WONT Right colum is on the left 2003-10-09
21113 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE ms word doc file causes openoffice to hang 2013-08-07
21193 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Opening of rtf document crashes and gives a "Main memory shortage" error message. 2013-08-07
21774 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE OO hangs on import of Microsoft Word document, also as RTF 2013-08-07
21976 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Appears to not open word document 2013-08-07
22683 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE MS Word freezes while opening a document saved by OOo 2013-08-07
23847 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE 4 pages OOo doc, save to MSO, opened in Word become more than 1000 pages 2013-08-07
23977 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ loop: OOo 1.1 loops if the attached document are loaded 2013-08-07
23978 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE writer document saved as word document can not be opend in word 2013-08-07
23979 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE crash: word documents makes OOo crash 2013-08-07
102434 Writer save-exp michael.ruess CLOS FIXE WW8: Background color of table cells in (exported) DOC format not shown 2013-08-07
103374 Writer save-exp michael.ruess CLOS FIXE WW8: Exporting a table with more than 12 columns to winword 97 (.doc) becomes corrupt 2013-08-07
105350 Writer save-exp michael.ruess CLOS FIXE WW8: password "to modify" not stored on roundtrip 2013-08-07
105606 Impress open-imp michael.ruess CLOS FIXE PPT Import: Text looks like it has a shadow but this is not the case 2009-11-26
117321 Writer open-imp michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Freeze when opening a specific MS Word .docx file 2013-01-19
21509 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL Calc not previewing/printing some sheets 2003-10-22
24233 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS IRRE Excess rows were not imported ( OOo Interop with MS Excel 10.2614.2625) 2013-08-07
22866 Calc code svante.schubert CLOS WONT Q-PCD: MSI-22: Spreadsheet XML 2013-08-07
108152 Writer open-imp swneedsconfirm CLOS IRRE OO hangs on opening this .doc file 2010-01-08
2385 General chart thomas.klarhoefer CLOS FIXE import xy excel charts with series with different x-values 2013-02-24
3997 General chart thomas.klarhoefer CLOS FIXE Flexible source ranges - Add option, to select x-values for different y-values / columns separately 2013-02-24
21063 General chart thomas.klarhoefer CLOS DUPL Charting data sets 2013-02-24
58457 General chart thomas.klarhoefer CLOS FIXE Fileformat violation when saving Donut Charts 2013-02-24
20960 Impress ui wolframgarten CLOS IRRE Changes to imported Chart. Also dimension changes with successive displays of same slide. 2003-10-13
71087 Draw open-imp wolframgarten CLOS DUPL Microsoft Publisher 2006-11-02
120935 Writer open-imp zheng.easyfan CLOS FIXE AOO crash after click "Preview in Web Browser" with sample file 2017-05-20
175 Writer open-imp andreas.martens CLOS DUPL Table of contents import from word trashes edits 2013-08-07
7058 Writer ui andreas.martens CLOS DUPL Rotated text in MS Word's tables cannot be imported in Writer 2013-08-07
8465 Writer ui andreas.martens CLOS DUPL Support vertical centering of text in a page, like word. 2013-08-07
13411 Writer ui andreas.martens CLOS DUPL "Spacing below" is ignored for the last paragraph in a table cell 2013-08-07
23021 Writer code andreas.martens CLOS FIXE Border line in document header not shown in PDF export 2013-08-07
37251 Impress open-imp Armin.Le.Grand CLOS DUPL WMF Import: using wrong fill color 2013-08-07
82871 General chart Armin.Le.Grand CLOS FIXE silhouette border lines for 3D shapes in chart 2013-02-24
118640 Impress open-imp Armin.Le.Grand CLOS FIXE Opening the presentation document causes OpenOffice 3.3 on Windows or Solaris to crash 2017-05-20
5832 Writer ui bettina.haberer CLOS IRRE Bad translation of grapfics from Office XP to OpenOffice 2008-05-17
29887 Draw code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL non-printing flag for drawing objects not supported/imported from MSO 2008-05-17
4967 General chart bjoern.milcke CLOS DUPL Cannot assign named data range as chart data range. 2013-02-24
30288 General chart bjoern.milcke CLOS DUPL support named ranges in charts 2013-02-24
20277 Impress save-exp christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Non bold / non italic portions of text become bold/italic saving as .ppt 2007-08-10
20624 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Bad Graphic imports from PPT 97/2k/xp 2003-12-08
21162 Writer code christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Bitmap colors distorted in DOC files 2013-08-07
22526 Internat BiDi christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Presentation with Hebrew file name does not appear in the recent files list 2013-08-07
23413 Internat BiDi christian.guenther CLOS FIXE WordArt import direction 2013-08-07
24969 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE [RFE] Presentation should play a sound file over more than one slide 2008-02-28
28259 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Wrong bullets after PPT-Import. 2004-07-15
28269 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE z-Order wrong after PPT-import 2004-08-17
28282 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS WONT PPT-import: Textboxes too small 2013-08-07
28730 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE PPT-import: piecharts with gradient filling are broken. 2007-09-09
28747 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE PPT-import: Linespacing is wrong. 2005-04-11
30686 Internat BiDi christian.guenther CLOS FIXE incurrect display of caption of embedded graph in imported msord file 2005-02-22
39515 Impress save-exp christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Hebrew font lost on export to PPT 2006-11-17
57376 Impress open-imp christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Insert from file of .ppt slides leads to Write Error. 2006-09-15
81395 Impress save-exp christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Inconsistency in exporting ParaLineSpacing property in PPT 2008-07-03
31623 General ui christian.jansen CLOS DUPL provide a context menu in empty space of the menubar to show/hide toolbars like MSOffice does 2008-05-17
21277 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE implement scroll bar form controls 2006-05-31
21605 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE implement spin button form controls 2006-05-31
125154 Writer editing CLOS FIXE Import sample file, the numbering is small 2017-05-20
16337 Writer ui dan CLOS DUPL Symbol font unusable 2013-08-07
16241 Calc ui daniel.rentz CLOS DUPL Excel filter: constant source data for chart series 2013-08-07
85310 General chart daniel.rentz CLOS FIXE im-/export date scale 2017-05-20
37194 Impress open-imp Dieter.Loeschky CLOS DUPL Impress uses a strange view for imported file 2013-08-07
37220 Impress open-imp Dieter.Loeschky CLOS IRRE Crash when viewing presentation 2013-08-07
37390 Impress open-imp Dieter.Loeschky CLOS IRRE Animation in slide displayed incorrectly as black on black 2013-08-07
37509 Impress open-imp Dieter.Loeschky CLOS IRRE Text in drawing object incorrectly hidden 2013-08-07
9831 Writer code eric.savary CLOS IRRE Only one character per line, document can no longer be recognised 2013-08-07
27954 Internat BiDi eric.savary CLOS NOT_ Hebrew text from word 95 pastes as junk in OOo 2004-10-24
4695 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE INDIRECT function fails with named cells 2013-08-07
30158 Internat BiDi frank CLOS DUPL incurrect alignment of Hebrew in RTL cells imported from excel 2013-08-07
57401 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE COUNTIF in Array Formula counts 0's (zeros) when using non-numeric characters 2013-08-07
77996 Calc open-imp frank CLOS FIXE Localized Excel's CELL function fails to re-calculate 2013-08-07
79808 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Don't show cell validation message when title and message are empty 2013-08-07
80299 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Add hungarian localized keywords to CELL and INFO 2013-08-07
81154 Calc open-imp frank CLOS FIXE Sheet name in URL should be renamed when containing invalid char(s) just as the real sheet names get renamed 2013-08-07
83372 General chart frank CLOS FIXE import/export relative placement of data point labels 2013-02-24
95407 Calc viewing frank.loehmann CLOS DUPL Cell formatting should be recognized as cell content for page preview and printing 2013-08-07
25140 Writer code frank.meies CLOS DUPL Implement 90 deg text rotation in table cells (multi-paragraph, "LTR (vertical)") 2013-08-07
14534 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL saving a table to Word97 format looks bad viewed in Word 2000 2003-09-14
17889 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE word compatibility problem 2003-11-01
17893 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Tables created in OO open improperly in MS Word 2003-11-01
18296 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Adding more contents to a word document does not push page contents to next page. 2003-09-08
18324 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Saving in MS Word 2000 format: Table layout error. 2003-09-08
20097 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL No spacing below a paragraph with the “Spacing below paragraph” field set (MS Word import) 2003-10-01
20836 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL wordpad in rtf format causes writer to crash when opened 2004-03-18
21781 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS NOT_ Grid not visible for labels from third-party documents 2004-01-15
26425 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS NOT_ hyperlink with bookmark dont link to msword document 2013-08-07
23432 Internat BiDi hdu CLOS IRRE vertical Hebrew text unreadble on import from excel 2013-08-07
39272 Impress open-imp hdu CLOS DUPL Diaplay of Hebrew text in slide show is messed up 2005-03-07
4291 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL Colour palettes/schemes in Chart 2013-02-24
5289 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL TrendLine/graphing functionality in OpenOffice 2013-02-24
37917 General chart IngridvdM CLOS IRRE Hebrew chart legend unreadble on import from excel 2013-02-24
55501 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL add value axis crosses at maximum category (axis positioning) 2013-02-24
71691 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL 3D deep charts: customize distance between series 2013-02-24
71694 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL donut charts do not have a property for hole size 2013-02-24
71735 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL "smoothed" curves like in excel 2013-02-24
79996 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL Formula or equation in a chart 2013-02-24
84660 General chart IngridvdM CLOS DUPL border lines too thick after import 2013-02-24
3907 Calc formatti issues CLOS WONT Gridlines should disappear (like in Excel) when the background color is changed or text exceeds the border of a cell. This makes for example the creation of nice looking forms easier. 2015-01-11
9343 Writer ui issues CLOS WONT Explain what data will be lost on close 2017-05-20
45926 Writer ui issues CLOS NOT_ save to disk OLE objects embedded in MS Word files in non-supported formats 2017-05-20
84652 General chart issues CLOS OBSO offer more data label placements for area charts 2017-05-20
92645 xml code issues CLOS FIXE Cannot open Password protected docx/xlsx Files (MS Office 2007 "Standard Encryption") 2024-03-12
97242 Calc open-imp issues CLOS DUPL Failure to import XML from Mobile Excel xlsx (mobile office) 2023-02-02
111581 Calc formatti issues CLOS IRRE Conditional formatting / styling with cell adressing always includes sheet name 2017-05-20
114903 Calc viewing issues CLOS DUPL Unable to open password protected MS Powerpoint file 2024-03-16
115187 Writer open-imp issues CLOS IRRE More than 55 photos don't load 2017-05-20
118533 Writer open-imp issues CLOS FIXE Crash opening very small docx file 2017-05-20
119707 Calc save-exp issues CLOS FIXE Cell border lost when saving and reopening the attached xls file. 2012-11-13
120573 Writer save-exp issues CLOS FIXE [From Symphony]Page number in footer alignment changed after saved 2012-12-26
120882 Calc formatti issues CLOS DUPL [From Symphony]AutoFilter: filter Data for the merged cells lost after open the sample .xls in Aoo 2012-09-21
This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
