Back to issue 77119

Who When What Removed Added
christoph.lukasiak 2007-05-08 17:02:25 UTC Keywords new_implementation
frank.schoenheit 2007-05-15 09:58:05 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.x not determined
ocke.janssen 2007-09-06 09:47:50 UTC Assignee oj duyunfen
marc.neumann 2007-09-17 11:57:36 UTC Summary RPT: using fields from two tables in one report causes error RPT: using fields from two tables in one report does not work
Target Milestone not determined OOo Later
ocke.janssen 2007-09-26 06:42:21 UTC CC '' 'oj'
mechtilde 2009-07-19 20:06:00 UTC Whiteboard SRB
robweir 2013-02-07 22:01:36 UTC QA Contact issues
robweir 2013-07-30 02:17:09 UTC Assignee duyufen issues
robweir 2013-08-07 15:45:41 UTC Target Milestone AOO PleaseHelp ---

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