Sat Jun 29 2024 12:35:54 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
39862 Calc open-imp issues CLOS DUPL Importing tabed text to table a screwing column format 2005-01-05
37856 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Import CSV should treat quoted numbers as strings 2004-11-25
51004 Calc viewing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL CSV files opened in Writer instead of Calc 2005-06-30
56568 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL csv import of "65+" 2005-12-02
15243 Calc open-imp bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Importing csv/text in text format does not mark cells as text 2008-05-17
5 issues found.


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